Who We Are

Global Coalition for Peace and Security [GlobalCops] is the primary voice for peace and security advocacy in the world. We lead the way in promoting the elimination of nuclear weapons, prevent the emergence of new nuclear states, and build global peace. We also work with stakeholders and multilateral institutions to advance sustainable peace and foster lasting solutions to violent extremism, workplace violence, terrorism, transnational and organized crimes wherever they exist.

We strive to foster community harmony, promotion and conflict prevention activities using early warning signs, and working with governments, stakeholders, non-profit organizations, community leaders and multilateral institutions to foster a culture of peace within our societies. GlobalCops is a partner to a broad array of health providers, religious institutions, educators, environmentalists, policymakers and different labor unions both here in the USA and in communities around the world where we work.


Powered by the vision of more than 400 thought leaders, experts and global peace advocates, informed by the incessant thirst for show of force as a means of global dominance and power, led by the commitment and optimism of our founding partners on building a world where everyone will coexist and live in peace and harmony, the story of Global Coalition for Peace and Security began on October 4th, 2012 after the 9/11 terrorist attack in the continental USA in 2001. We imagined what would have been the casualty effects if those terrorists had access to festered nuclear weapons and use them, whether in New York, Paris, Tel Aviv, Islamabad, Beijing, Moscow, Lagos, Geneva, Toronto, London or anywhere around the world, the consequences would have been catastrophic.

GlobalCops leaders understand that the only way our world could live in peace and harmony is to build a formidable coalition between nations of the world where the rallying force will be peace. The world where collective commitment and responsibility reigns against rogue nations or non-state actors who may wish to us harm. Such a world will guarantee that no nation can test or use a nuclear weapon or military force to invade another and that new nuclear states will never emerge. It will guarantee that current nuclear states will adhere to international laws and principles, stop making more dangerous bombs, and act responsibly even in the face of aggression.


We are a nonpartisan organization and primary voice for peace and security advocacy in the world. We lead the way in promoting the elimination of nuclear weapons, prevent the emergence of new nuclear states, and build global peace. We work with stakeholders, multilateral institutions, international community of influential political, military, business, civic and faith leaders to advance sustainable peace and foster lasting solutions to nuclear weapon proliferation, violent extremism, workplace violence, terrorism, transnational and organized crimes wherever they exist.

We believe that it is only a unified international public pressure can give necessary political will that will make world leaders take collective action on issues of global security and peace.

GlobalCops, in coordination with its members and state and regional Affiliates, work with key decision makers to influence public policy through advocacy aimed at addressing the many threats to global peace and security. Although we live in very challenging but exciting time, never before has humanity faced a time such as this – a time when our deepest desire for peace and security is been marred by rising tensions around the world. This century’s threats are at least as dangerous as, and in some ways more complex than those we have confronted in the past. They come from sophisticated weapons that can kill on a mass scale and from global terrorists who respond to alienation or perceived injustice with murderous nihilism. They come from rogue states (state sponsors of terror) allied to terrorists and from rising powers that could challenge the foundation of International Peace and Security.

But of all the threats to global security and peace, the most dangerous is the proliferation and potential use of a nuclear weapon, as well as cyber warfare. If a nuclear weapon explodes in one city — be it New York or Moscow, Islamabad or Mumbai, Tokyo or Tel Aviv, Paris or Lagos, Toronto or Abu Dhabi — thousands and millions of people will die. And no matter where it happens, there is no end to what the consequences might be — for our global safety, our humanity, our economy, to our ultimate survival as a people. The same is for cyberwar, as everything goes digital, everything becomes more vulnerable. So how do we deal with our encrypted future in the hands of machines? Just in 2016 alone, $60 Billion USD was spent on cybersecurity technology and services with $1 Trillion expected over the next five years.

A part of our commitment includes ensuring that Nations who are party to the coalition for peace and security stays to their truth in fulfilling their obligation as prescribed in the GlobalCops Commitment Charter. At local levels, we also ensure access to robust counseling on extremism, protecting funding for children orphaned by terrorism, ensure continuous community engagements with leaders of thoughts, and eliminating all forms of discrimination.

GlobalCops advocates within nations, businesses, and multilateral institutions, for a domestic and foreign policy that embodies the best values of our common humanity. By mobilizing diverse constituencies through grassroots action we work to achieve a world free of nuclear weapons by taking action today in stopping the development, testing, spread and use of those weapons; protect the rights of every human being around the world by fostering collective commitment aimed at ending the global trade in lethal weapons; advance national spending priorities that meets real security and domestic needs; and promote resolution of international conflicts through cooperation and diplomacy.