Prof. Mojubaolu O. Okome

  • Prof. Mojubaolu O. Okome

    Advisory Council Member

An International Political Economist, Professor Okome’s expertise are wide-ranging, she has a regional specialization on the African continent. Educated at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, Long Island University, New York, and Columbia University, New York, Currently, Mrs. Okome is a Professor of Political Science at Brooklyn College, City University of New York and was previously the Women’s Studies Program Director as well as Deputy Chair for Graduate Studies in the Department of Political Science at Brooklyn College. She was the past President of the African Studies Research and Forum.

In February 2000, Professor Okome was one of three co-chairs of the New York State delegation to the National Summit on Africa, and led the second-largest delegation to the Summit in Washington, DC.

Professor Okome authored: A Sapped Democracy: The Political Economy of the Structural Adjustment Program and the Political Transition in Nigeria, 1983-1993. MD: University Press of America, 1998, as well as various journal articles and book chapters in the areas of my research interests, which include: (1) How globalization, post-colonialism, and post-modernity constrain or enable African states and peoples to participate effectively in the global political economy. (2) The interaction between economic and political transformation in developing countries. (3) The interplay between gender and citizenship in African and global political economy.

In her study on African Immigration to the United States, Professor Okome inquired into the economic, socio-cultural, and political contexts of migration. She is also the founder and Editor of the online peer-reviewed journal, Ìrìnkèrindò: a Journal of African Migration. http://www.africamigration.com from 2002; and co-founder and until Spring 2010, one of three Co-editors of: Jenda: Journal of African Culture and Women Studies. http://www.jendajournal.com 2000 to 2010.

Professor Okome is currently working on two edited books, one on Transnational Africa and Globalization, and the other on State-Civil Society relations in Nigeria. With Elisha Renne, and also working on a book on Gender, Leadership and Power in the Aladura Church in Nigeria and the U.S. The focus is on the Eternal Sacred Order of the Cherubim and Seraphim.
Professor Okome joined the Advisory Board of the Global Coalition for Peace and Security in January of 2018 to bring to bear, her knowledge and experience to advance the efforts of Globalcops towards sustainable development, security and peace around the world and in the United States.