[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XutxArNxDn8[/embedyt]


There is no life without a woman. What this means is that women are life in itself.

Conflict and instability have continued to plague human kind, although war and conflict impacts negatively on both men and women, there are particular gendered dimensions to violence that have a disproportionate and differing impact on women throughout human history.

The Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) policy recognizes that women must be critical actors in all our efforts to achieve sustainable international peace and security hence they are prime target in times of war and conflict. The Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) policy aims at promoting a gendered perspective and women’s equal and meaningful participation in peace processes, peacebuilding, and state-building.

The Women, Peace, and Security Agenda evolved from the U.N. Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325 that the U.N. Security Council unanimously adopted on October 25, 2000 recognizing the integral role of women in conflict resolution, peace building, mediation, conflict management, and sustainable peace efforts.

The UNSCR 1325’s framework is comprised of four pillars—participation, protection, prevention, and relief and recovery.

In a statement in 2005, the Security Council called upon the U.N. Member States to continue implementing UNSCR 1325 through the development of National Action Plans (NAPs). These national strategies are a tool for member states to determine their priorities and detail actions they will take to implement the objectives of UNSCR 1325. As of April 2017, sixty-six countries have created and adopted NAPs.

GlobalCops believes that when women are invited to the table to participate as peace builders, politicians, and activists, they are often in the strongest position to bring about peace in their communities, but when they are regularly excluded from peace-making processes and decisions, it hurts us all. In this day and age of violent extremism and terrorism, reliance on women to quell the incessant urge of their young wanting to join extremist’s groups couldn’t be urgently needed.

Experience has thought us that peace agreements succeed more when they include a broad range of stakeholders, especially women, in the process.
GlobalCops work to influence National Capitals to implement the National Action Plan as contained in UNSCR 1325.

This generation can no longer afford to put mothers and girls in the back seat.